UCB's Global Corporate Website

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23 Jul 2010

E Keppra® (levetiracetam) krijgt officiële goedkeuring in Japan

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19 Jul 2010

UCB strengthens ICT department to foster its transformation into a global patient centric biopharma leader

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19 Jul 2010

UCB renforce son département informatique pour soutenir sa transformation en un leader mondial de la biopharmacie centré sur le patient

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19 Jul 2010

UCB breidt IT-afdeling uit om hervorming tot een wereldwijde, patiëntgerichte biofarmaceutische leider te ondersteunen

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10 Jun 2010

UCB strengthens strategic alliance with WILEX

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18 May 2010

UCB's Roch Doliveux joins Board of the Innovative Medicines Initiative

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