Disclosure of payments to Healthcare Professionals and Organisations

In everything we do, we always start by asking ourselves “How can we create more value for people living with severe diseases?"

In the interest of patients, it is crucial for us to collaborate closely with healthcare professionals and organisations, who offer us invaluable and expert knowledge to provide solutions improving patients’ lives and treatments. This relationship has delivered significant innovations in healthcare so far and has made positive changes to the quality of life of numerous patients.

We aspire to maintain high standards of ethics and integrity in our interactions. We strongly believe that ensuring transparency in our financial relationships with healthcare professionals is essential to increase patients’ trust. Patients need to know that they can trust their doctors to recommend, prescribe and administer appropriate care and treatments based solely on clinical evidence and experience.

As an EFPIA Member Company (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry and Associations), we are therefore committed to meet the transparency requirements of the EFPIA Disclosure Code and to report our transfers of value to healthcare stakeholders accordingly.

UCB is also committed to comply with other transparency requirements throughout the world such as the US Open Payments program or Japan JPMA (Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association) guidelines.


Disclaimer: As of March 7, 2022, Zogenix Inc. and all its affiliates worldwide are part of the UCB Group of Companies.

Zogenix Global Transparency Disclosures: 2020 - 2019 - 2018

Picture of a world map


Introducing the EFPIA Disclosure Code

EFPIA disclosure code image
Data Privacy Disclaimer

Publication of transfers of value to Recipients aims at reporting the values (monetary or in-kind) to HCPs/HCOs our company is collaborating / has relationships with, following the objectives and provisions included in the applicable codes.  Individual disclosures have been consented to by individual Recipients – such consent has been given to allow complying with the applicable codes that our company signed up to.

These publications do not grant a general permission for those accessing our website or the national platforms to undertake additional processing of the healthcare professionals’ data.

For a good understanding of the reporting included in our disclosures as published on this website, we refer to the Methodological Note that clarifies the meaning and content of the transfers of value reported.