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UCB General Meeting on 27 April 2017

Brussels (Belgium), 24 March 2017 – 7:00 AM (CET) – Today, UCB SA/NV is publishing the convening notice and supporting documents for its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which will take place on 27 April 2017 at 11.00 AM CEST. As published before, the agenda includes several changes to the composition of UCB’s Board of Directors.

At the General Meeting, the mandate of Albrecht De Graeve will expire, and Gerhard Mayr will have reached the statutory age limit and will step down as Director and Chairman of the Board of UCB; he will retire from the Board after five successful years as UCB’s Chairman and nearly twelve years as UCB Board member. Harriet Edelman has also decided to resign from the Board for personal reasons. 

Considering the above, the Board of Directors of UCB, upon recommendation of the Governance, Nomination and Compensation Committee (“GNCC”), proposes to the shareholders: (i) to appoint Viviane Monges as independent Director for a mandate of 4 years; (ii) to renew the mandate of Albrecht De Graeve as independent Director for a term of four years, and (iii) to appoint Roch Doliveux as Director for a mandate of four years. 

Pending the approval by the General Meeting, the new Board of UCB will thus be composed of Alice Dautry, Kay Davies, Albrecht De Graeve, Norman J. Ornstein, Ulf Wiinberg, Pierre Gurdjian and Viviane Monges as independent Directors, and of Evelyn du Monceau, Jean-Christophe Tellier, Executive Director, Charles-Antoine Janssen, Cyril Janssen, Cédric van Rijckevorsel and Roch Doliveux, as non-independent directors.

Upon confirmation of the above mentioned renewal and appointments by the General Meeting, Evelyn du Monceau, currently Vice Chair, will become Chair of UCB's Board of Directors; Pierre Gurdjian, independent Director, will become Vice Chair. 
Kay Davies, independent Director, will replace Harriet Edelman as member of the GNCC. The composition of the other special Board Committees (Audit Committee and Scientific Committee) will not change.

For further information

Corporate Communications
France Nivelle  
Global Communications, UCB
T +32.2.559.9178 france.nivelle@ucb.com

Laurent Schots 
Media Relations, UCB  
T+32.2.559.92.64  Laurent.schots@ucb.com 

Investor Relations
Antje Witte          
Investor Relations, UCB
T +32.2.559.94.14 antje.witte@ucb.com

Isabelle Ghellynck,
 Investor Relations, UCB
T+32.2.559.9588, isabelle.ghellynck@ucb.com 

About UCB
UCB, Brussels, Belgium (www.ucb.com) is a global biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of innovative medicines and solutions to transform the lives of people living with severe diseases in immunology and neurology. With more than 7500 people in approximately 40 countries, the company generated revenue of €4.2 billion in 2016. UCB is listed on Euronext Brussels (symbol: UCB). Follow us on Twitter: @UCB_news

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