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UCB wins award for 'Hack Epilepsy' initiative

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Erik Janssen, Patient Value Unit - Neurology
UCB’s innovative ‘Hack Epilepsy’ initiative has won an award at the Eye For Pharma Barcelona Awards 2016.


Marianne Fraiture at eyeforpharma for Hack Epilepsy

We are delighted to see this unique project recognised at this event which highlights “valuable and innovative patient-centric initiatives”.

Hack Epilepsy brought together developers, designers and digital experts, along with healthcare providers and patients to imagine new ways of applying digital technologies that can make a real difference for the epilepsy community.

'Hackathons' are an increasingly popular way to apply fresh thinking and creative design to complex problems.

The goal of Hack Epilepsy was to come up with practical and workable solutions that answer four broad challenges, including accessing effective support and reliable information, empowering people to talk about their epilepsy, and knowing what questions to ask following diagnosis.

Two hackathon events were held simultaneously in Brussels and Atlanta, and delivered 17 concept  prototype digital solutions.

About half of the Hack Epilepsy prototypes continue in development with some start-ups in the making. UCB continues to support some promising Hack Epilepsy projects.

It was great to see Hack Epilepsy  win the Customer Innovator Award, but what was perhaps most gratifying was the fact that three of the five finalists in this category were UCB initiatives.

At UCB, we put the patients at the heart of everything we do. We constantly look for new ways to improve patients’ lives and move healthcare forward. To be recognised as a leader in patient-centric innovation inspires us to continue working with others to find original ways to add value to patients.

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