Share Repurchase Program 2025 to cover UCB's Long Term Incentive Plans for employees

Brussels (Belgium), 07 March 2025 – 20:00 (CET)Regulated information

In application of article 7:215 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, UCB SA/NV (“UCB” or the “Company”) (Euronext Brussels: UCB) announces the launch of a share buy-back program (the “Share Repurchase Program 2025”), effective as of 10 March 2025.

The repurchase of UCB shares under this program intends to cover current and future obligations under UCB's Long Term Incentive Plans for its employees. UCB will continuously monitor both its current and future obligations under such plans in view of keeping an adequate level of treasury shares.

Under this program, UCB may acquire from time to time its common stock, for a maximum of 700,000 UCB shares. The share repurchases will be conducted under the terms and conditions approved by the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting of the Company held on 25 April 2024. The timing of the repurchase of shares pursuant to the program will depend on a variety of factors, including market conditions. The Share Repurchase Program 2025 may be suspended or discontinued at any time.

UCB has requested a financial intermediary to repurchase UCB shares on its behalf under the terms of a mandate agreement with initial validity until the earlier of 30 June 2025 or the mandate having been completed.

During the Share Repurchase Program 2025, regular updates will be published in accordance with applicable legislation.

This press release is available on UCB SA/NV’s website via the following link.

For further information, contact UCB:

Investor Relations
Antje Witte
T: +32.2.559.94.14

Sahar Yazdian
T: +32.2.559.9137

Corporate Communications
Laurent Schots
T: +32.2.559.92.64

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