516 Likes Disposals of own shares Brussels (Belgium), 18 December 2020 – 20:00 (CET) – regulated information In accordance with article 8:6 of the Royal Decree executing the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, UCB SA/NV (“UCB” or the “Company) (Euronext Brussels: UCB) announces that, following exercises of stock options by members of its personnel, it has disposed of UCB shares OTC in view of deliveries of these shares to the relevant members of the personnel, within the framework of the Long Term Incentive Program of the UCB Group, as follows: This press release is available on UCB SA/NV’s website via the following link. Asset Download 201218 - Vervreemding van eigen aandelen 201218 - Alie nation d actions propres 201218 - Disposals of own shares 516 Likes