Shareholders' Meeting 2024Assemblée Générale 2024Algemene Vergadering 202425 April 2024 Annual general shareholders’ meeting ENGFRNLSpeech Jean-Christophe Tellier, CEOPDFPDFPDFMinutes AGMPDFPDFPDFMinutes EGMPDFPDFConvening Notice(including agenda & attendance formalities)PDFPDFPDFProxyPDFPDFPDFUCB SA/NV - Management Report Statutory accountsPDFPDFPDFUCB SA/NV -Report of the Statutory AuditorPDFPDFPDFUCB Group - 2023 Integrated Annual ReportPDFPDFPDFUCB SA/NVStatutory Annual Accounts 2023PDFPDFPDFUCB Group -2023 Remuneration ReportSee section 3.7 of theCorporate Governance Statementin the Integrated Annual ReportUCB Group -2024 Remuneration PolicyPDFPDFPDFUCB SA/NV - Special Report of the Board of DirectorsArt. 7.199 BCCAPDFPDFPDFOn the day of publication of the convening notice, UCB SA/NV has a total of 194 505 658 shares outstanding, of which 190 154 206 are entitled to vote.Lumi Connect Online Platform - User GuidePDFPDFPDF Proposed dividendThe Board of Directors proposed to pay a gross dividend of € 1.36 per share (gross), which was approved by the annual general meeting of the shareholders. Coupon # 27Ex-dividend: 26 April 2024Record date: 29 April 2024Payment: 30 April 2024Coupon # 27 of UCB shares is payable at € 0.952 net per share after deduction of Belgian withholding tax of 30%*, via our paying agent, KBC Bank NV.* Lower witholding tax rates may be applicable depending the specific situation of each shareholder. 2023 Integrated Annual Report 2023 ONLINE REPORT Questions? Please send your questions to Shareholders' meeting archives shareholder meeting 2024 Shareholders meeting - 2023 Shareholders meeting - 2022 Shareholders meeting - 2021 Shareholders meeting - 2020 Shareholders meeting - 2019 Shareholders meeting - 2018 Shareholders meeting - 2017 Shareholders meeting - 2016 Re-elected Pierre Gurdjian Independent DirectorMember of the GNCCTo be re-elected in 2024End of term in 2028 BIO - P. Gurdijan Re-elected Ulf Wiinberg Independent DirectorMember of the GNCCTo be re-elected in 2024End of term in 2028 BIO - U. Wiinberg Re-elected Charles-Antoine Janssen Director, Vice-chair of the BoardMember of the GNCCTo be re-elected in 2024End of term in 2028 BIO - CA Janssen Elected Elected Elected Dolca Thomas Independent DirectorTo be elected in 2024End of term in 2028 Nefertiti Greene Independent DirectorTo be elected in 2024End of term in 2028 Rodolfo J. Savitzky Independent DirectorTo be elected in 2024End of term in 2028 BIO - D. Thomas BIO - N. Greene BIO - R. J. Savitzky