We are committed to net-zero

We have set near- and long-term science-based emissions reduction targets aligned with the Science Based Targets initiative: we are committed to reduce absolute Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 90% by 2045 on a 2019 baseline, and neutralize remaining CO2e emissions.

To do so, we simultaneously work on different axes: 

  1. reduce the impact of our existing footprint
  2. limit the emissions coming from new projects through a green-by-design approach
  3. advocate for change management
  4. contribute to global neutrality beyond our value chain.
Watch this video to know more about our climate targets and how we plan to achieve net-zero

1. We reduce the existing impacts from all parts of our footprint (scope 1, 2 and 3)

We make our operations more energy efficient. For example, an important part of our energy consumption on our Sites is attributable to the HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) that is subject to a vast optimization program, considering also the pharma requirements.

We increase the use of energy generated from renewable sources, produced on UCB sites or purchased. For example, we continue substituting natural gas for biogas produced from wastes and expanding power purchase agreement.

We aim to transition our entire company fleet to electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030, as part of our global climate targets and efforts to reduce our GHG emissions. We acknowledge the different challenges to achieve this goal, including the electrification maturity in the countries where we operate, limited charging infrastructure, and EVs manufacturing constrains. Despite these challenges, we remain committed to reducing our environmental impact and continue to evaluate solutions to these issues to offer sustainable mobility options in locations where such options positively impact the health of the planet.

Whenever possible, we shift to transport for both our raw materials and finished goods from airplane to boats.

2. We build green-by-design in our facilities and assets

BREEAM 'Excellent' certification in Europe and LEED 'gold' elsewhere are our standards for the construction, major refurbishment or purchase of buildings to be occupied by our staff.

We have deployed the Green Product Scorecard, a holistic eco-designing approach which aims at scoring our medicines’ environmental performance based on a lifecycle analysis (LCA) and at building a clear roadmap to reduce the environmental footprint of each medicine. 

The scope of analysis is from Cradle to Grave: from the carbon footprint and water impact of raw materials used (for drug substance, drug product, packaging, device), to the manufacturing and distribution, until the end of life (ie. the treatment of packaging and device waste after use of the medicine). Through this approach, we work on the different segments of our medicines’ lifecycle, such as digital marketing, sustainable partnerships, as well as ecodesigning packaging, distribution flows, means of transportation, and manufacturing processes to name a few.

3. We advocate for change by working both on the internal and external fronts:

We mobilize behavior change among leaders and employees, from recruitment and onboarding of new hires to internal awareness campaigns about environmental footprint and carbon emissions particularly emphasizing the impact of commuting and business travel.

We increase awareness of employees and drive their commitment to informed and impactful actions. This is done through an active network of ambassadors, champions, geographical representants efficiently spread in the company, deploying the environmental roadmap while embedding change management practices within the company.

We ensure that sustainability initiatives are effectively adopted by promoting activities and learning sessions through the year reinforced during specific events such as the annual Sustainability Week and regional awareness weeks, but also around our digital footprint with our yearly ‘green clean-up week’, sharing IT sustainable tips & tricks. We also actively engage employees leveraging external resources like the climate collage in team building exercises and deploying My Green Lab certification in our laboratories.

We integrate into our supplier management activities two distinct but complementary mechanisms: climate change mitigation and resilience.

The indirect impact created by the activities of our goods and services suppliers on behalf of UCB represents a significant part of our CO2e emissions. In this regard, we are requesting contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) and other partners to also define ambitious climate targets with an aim to have 80% of the emissions generated by our suppliers covered by SBTi-inspired goals by 2028.

We have also implemented a climate-related risk assessment to evaluate our suppliers’ resilience to environmental physical hazards. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the resilience and continuity of our supply chain, so we can continue to provide our medicines to patients despite the potential inevitable impacts of climate change on our suppliers.  

We participate in industry programs to support value chain decarbonization and reduce overall environmental footprint (such as the Energize program with Schneider Electric, Activate program with Manufacture 2030, Pharma Supply Chain Initiative, Pharma Manufacturing Forum, BioPhorum, American Chemical society pharmaceutical roundtable, Healthcare Sustainability Coalition, Innovative Health Initiative, to name a few)

We believe that transparency and public disclosure is key to creating sustainable change.

UCB signed on key environmental initiatives as the UN Global Compact, the Science Based Targets initiative and CDP. UCB also committed to align with the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), an initiative created by the Financial Stability Board. Read more about our ratings here

4. We contribute to global neutrality beyond our value chain:

To contribute to global neutrality beyond our value chain and participate in the generation of other co-benefits (e.g. biodiversity, natural resources, helping local communities), we support programs in partnership with CO2logic and WeForest.

We will also keep monitoring SBTi guidelines and follow them as soon as made available, to ensure we’ll contribute to ‘neutralization’ according to latest scientific recommendations. 

Read more about the other environmental targets we set for us

Conserving water

Reducing waste