468 Likes Transparency notifications BlackRock, Inc. Notifications referring to situation on 5 June 2019 and 7 June 2019Threshold crossed: 5%Latest holding: 5.23% Brussels (Belgium), 12 June 2019 – 20:00 (CEST) – regulated information 1. Summary of the notifications Pursuant to Article 14 of the law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of large shareholdings, UCB SA/NV announces that it has received two transparency notifications from BlackRock, Inc. (having its registered office at 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY, 10055, U.S.A.), dated 6 June 2019 and 10 June 2019. In the first notification, BlackRock, Inc., has notified that, following a disposal of UCB shares with voting rights by its affiliates, its holding in UCB shares has decreased and has crossed downwards the 5% threshold on 5 June 2019. On 5 June 2019, BlackRock, Inc. (taking into account the holding of its affiliates) Inc. owned 9 682 390 UCB shares with voting rights (versus 9 894 964 shares in its previous notification), representing 4.98% of the total number of shares issued by the company (194 505 658) (versus 5.09% in its previous notification), as well as 406 440 equivalent financial instruments (versus 349 551 in its previous notification) representing 0.21% of the total number of shares issued by the company (versus 0.18% in its previous notification). In the second notification, BlackRock, Inc., has notified that, following an acquisition of UCB shares with voting rights by its affiliates, its holding in UCB shares has increased and has crossed the 5% threshold on 7 June 2019. On 7 June 2019, BlackRock, Inc.(taking into account the holding of its affiliates) owned 9 753 870 UCB shares with voting rights, representing 5.01% of the total number of shares issued by the company, as well as 415 531 equivalent financial instruments, representing 0.21% of the total number of shares issued by the company. 2. Further informationThis press release and the detailed transparency notifications are available on UCB SA/NV’s website via the following link.An updated overview of the UCB SA/NV large shareholdings will be available on UCB SA/NV’s website via the following link. Investor RelationsAntje Witte Investor Relations, UCBT +32.2.559.94.14 antje.witte@ucb.com Isabelle Ghellynck, Investor Relations, UCBT+32.2.559.9588, isabelle.ghellynck@ucb.com Asset Download Transparency Notification June 6, 2019 ENG Transparency Notification June 6, 2019 FR Transparency Notification June 6, 2019 NL 468 Likes