183 Likes Looking ahead: Embracing collaboration and shared learnings at ChangeNOW on 25 March Posted by Véronique Toully, Sustainability, Corp. Affairs & Risk 20-Mar-2024 Next Monday, 25th March, our CEO Jean-Christophe Tellier and a group of colleagues will take part in ChangeNOW in Paris, France, a summit to accelerate concrete actions and solutions responding to the biggest environmental and societal challenges of our century. Each year, the ChangeNOW Summit brings together innovators, investors, companies, NGOs, thought leaders, and policymakers to identify promising solutions for people and the planet and connect them to the resources they need to scale. For UCB, the Summit provides a unique platform to explore solutions to address equitable access to healthcare innovation – one of the most pressing challenges affecting the health of people across the globe. As a global healthcare innovation company, UCB aims to deliver value to people living with severe diseases in ways that go beyond discovering and developing medicines. We see the person, not just the disease – and strive to ensure that patients can have access to our medicines with a focus on equitable access across patient populations. As we navigate today’s interconnected world, facing challenges like the climate crisis and social disparities, we are continually challenging ourselves to evolve, improve, and learn from others. From the commitments we’ve made to contribute to the transition towards a low carbon economy through reducing emissions, water, and waste, to the ways we have embedded our DE&I principles in our clinical development processes, we are continually seeking to grow our business in a way that serves to address barriers impacting the fair and equitable access to health solutions and the health of today’s planet. Inclusive approaches are essential if we are to do our job to the best of our ability – ensuring we understand and meet the needs of all patients who can benefit our treatment. Our most important partners continue to be people living with severe diseases; we understand that only by listening to and learning from patients can we turn our science into medicines that fully appreciate their reality and address their needs. Embedding diversity and inclusion in clinical studies is critical to address health inequities, which is why we continually strive to identify ways to enhance the inclusion of under-represented populations in our clinical studies.Collaborating and partnering with organizations from all sectors, sharing experiences, successes and failures, is imperative if a business wants to evolve and grow in a way that is sustainable for patients, people and planet. ChangeNOW enables us at UCB to engage across a wide range of associations, sharing our experiences, providing counselling and expertise to support participating innovators, and learning from others so that we can foster new approaches to tackle social and environmental challenges and co-create solutions that will improve health around us.Over the next few weeks, across our various channels we’ll be sharing more information, insights and learnings from our participation in ChangeNOW. Please follow for further updates from the summit. Leave a Comment You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Please enter your name Please enter your email address By submitting your personal data, you agree with UCB's Data Privacy Policy. Furthermore, for more information on the terms of use of this website please visit our Legal Notice, accessible here. CAPTCHA Get new captcha! What code is in the image? Enter the characters shown in the image. Leave this field blank