Spotlight on Miranda (USA)
"The Woody Allen of Crohn's Disease"
Maybe it's because she's a New Yorker. Or, maybe it's because she's an experienced counselor and patient advocate for clients of the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. Whatever the reason, Miranda takes her work with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis community seriously.
Miranda loves laughing with her Crohnies
Miranda is a music lover, nature buff, and friendly New Yorker. Did we mention the quirky laugh? Her fire-red hair? Let's put it this way: Miranda is often life of the party - and the life of the café and the sidewalk, too. She's a person who tells stories so well, that others gather around just to hear the punch line. Miranda has also had Crohn's disease for over two decades. So, she has gained a lot of experience living with Crohn's and she shares what she's learned with her clients.
And what about when Miranda's feeling down? Well, she calls one of her many "Crohnies". That is the nickname that Miranda has given to her friends who are also living with Crohn's disease. So, when Miranda's down, she gets together with some Crohnies to hang out and laugh.
More patient stories
Go to the website Crohn's and Me for more Crohn's disease patient testimonials.